Jameson Irish Whiskey
Jameson Triple Distilled Original Irish Whiskey is a balanced blend of malted and unmalted barley, pot still whiskeys, and grain whiskey. Aged in seasoned white oak barrels, Jameson is produced from a blend of grain whiskey and single pot still whiskey, which uses a mixture of malted and unmalted or “green” Irish barley, all sourced from within a fifty-mile radius around the distillery in Cork.
The barley is dried in a closed kiln fired by natural gas (formerly anthracite coal). Order a bottle of jameson today at ice and liquor.
Jameson Irish Whiskey, a blend of water, barley, and maize, was created in Dublin around 1780. Its smooth, balanced flavor profile includes toasted wood, vanilla, and mild spices.
Aged in seasoned white oak barrels, Jameson is produced from a blend of grain whiskey and single pot still whiskey, which uses a mixture of malted and unmalted or “green” Irish barley, all sourced from within a fifty-mile radius around the distillery in Cork.
The barley is dried in a closed kiln fired by natural gas (formerly anthracite coal). Order a bottle of jameson today at ice and liquor.
Category: Irish Whiskey
Country of Origin: Ireland
ABV: 40%
Size: 20cl
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